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zł (PLN)
Working Hours
Poland, a member of the EU, is in western Europe bordered by many countries including Germany and Ukraine. It has a diversified, high-growth European economy and is an important and dynamic market with the fifth largest EU economy. Poland boasts a well-educated and competitive workforce of around 2.981 million people.
Employment contracts in Poland must be in writing and signed no later than the day the employee begins work. If the employee does not understand the Polish language, the employer must provide a translation in a language the employee does understand. Employment contracts are generally for an indefinite term, a fixed term, or a trial period.
A contract for a trial period may not be for more than three months and may not be renewed outside of a few very specific situations. Contracts for a fixed term may be for a set time or until certain conditions are satisfied, such as the return of another employee from a temporary absence or the completion of specified tasks. If a fixed-term contract is for a set period of time, it may be renewed no more than two times, and all the contracts combined may not have a term longer than 33 months. If a fixed-term contract is renewed a third time, it automatically converts to a contract for an indefinite term.
At a minimum, the employment contract must state:
the identities of the parties,
the type of contract (indefinite, fixed-term, or trial period),
the date the contract is executed,
the workplace,
a description of the type of work,
salary details, and
working hours.
The standard working week in Poland can be no longer than 40 hours per week, eight hours per day.
If work time limits are passed, overtime compensation is compulsory. The maximum number of overtime hours is 48 hours per working week. Annual overtime cannot exceed 150 hours.
Overtime is due after working the maximum hours of 45 hours per week and is paid at the statutory rate of 200.00% of the employee’s regular pay if the overtime is at night, on Sundays, or on non-working days. Overtime is paid at 150.00% of the employee’s regular income if overtime is performed during any other time. Overtime can also be given as time off in lieu.
Remote Work
The amendment to Article 67[33] -1 of the Labour Code, remote work and hybrid work as of 7 April 2023 ruling of performing remote work, including:
The employer is obligated to roll out an agreement with a company trade union organization through regulations for performing work remotely. There are several options for how to create a plan with workers:
The possibility of controlling the conditions in which remote work is performed
The employer’s obligation to provide appropriate equipment and training, including occupational health and safety information and security and protection.
Issuing a cash equivalent to cover upfront costs of organizing the workplace; i.e. work from home allowance
The possibility of reimbursing the costs of organizing the workplace if covered by the employee
Possibility for the employees to request occasional remote work – for a period no longer than 24 days in the calendar year
Maternity Leave
Female employees are entitled to maternity leave periods linked to the number of children born/adopted as follows:
20 weeks for the birth of one child/adoption of one child
31 weeks for two children, 33 weeks for three children, 35 weeks for four children
37 weeks for five or more children
The Social Security Institute covers all maternity pay at 100% of the employee’s regular salary rate.
Maternity leave cannot start earlier than six weeks before the due date but can start later or even after birth and continue straight after. Employees should take a minimum of 14 weeks of maternity leave after childbirth before returning to work, and they have the option to transfer any untaken leave beyond 14 weeks to the child’s father.
Adoption leave may be used by both the adoptive father and the adoptive mother. However, under the labor code, the leave can’t be taken simultaneously by both parents.
Paternity Leave
Fathers are entitled to two weeks of paid paternity leave within the first 24 months after the child’s birth or from the date of adoption before the child is seven years old. An employee can take the leave in a maximum of two installments of one week each, and Social Security pays the leave at a rate of 100.00% of the employee’s regular salary.
Parental Leave
In Poland, the parental leave period spans either 41 or 43 weeks. The duration of parental leave hinges on the number of children born or adopted at once, and it’s available to both male and female employees as well as adoptive parents upon the completion of maternity leave.
Parents have the flexibility to divide this leave according to their preferences, but each parent has an exclusive right to a 9-week portion. For instance, if the child’s mother opts to utilize the entire parental leave, she can claim a maximum of 32 weeks, leaving the remaining 9 weeks exclusively for the other parent. It’s important to note that regulations do not permit the transfer of the extra 9 weeks to the other parent, such as in cases of single parents raising children.
Parents also have the option to take parental leave concurrently, meaning both parents can be on leave at the same time, provided that the total leave taken doesn’t exceed the standard entitlement. Additionally, parental leave can be split into a maximum of 5 segments and must be utilized by the end of the calendar year in which the child reaches the age of 6.
To initiate parental leave, employees must submit an application at least 21 days before the intended start date. These applications can be submitted in either written or electronic form.
During the initial six weeks (eight weeks in the case of multiple children or three weeks for adopting older children), the leave is paid at 100% of the employee’s salary. Subsequently, for the remaining duration, it’s covered by Social Security and paid at 60% of the employee’s salary. However, if the employee submits an official written request for parental leave no later than 21 days after the child’s birth, the pay rate increases to 80% of the employee’s salary, and Social Security covers it for the entire leave period.
Depending on the collective agreement/employment contract terms, an employee may be allowed additional leave types for the following:
Disability Leave: A person classified as having a severe or moderate degree of disability is entitled to an additional ten days of annual leave. After working one year and after being classified in one of the above degrees of disability, the person acquires the right.
Military Leave: Employees are entitled to unpaid military leave to perform their duties.
Childcare Leave: An employee raising at least one child aged up to 14 years is entitled to two paid days off a year, covered in full by the employer. Additionally, employees who have worked for at least six months are entitled to a further three years of unpaid childcare leave until the child is five-years-old (18-years-old if the child is disabled).
Special event leave: Employees are entitled to two paid days off for close family member life events, such as a wedding, a child’s birth, or a funeral.
Poland has universal healthcare. Many employers provide private health insurance as an employee benefit.
Employer Employer Payroll Contributions
9.76% - Retirement Pension (applied on salary up to 234,720.00 PLN annually)
6.50% - Disability Fund (applied on salary up to 234,720.00 PLN)
0.67% – 3.33% - Accident Fund
2.45% - Labor Fund
0.10% - Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund
19.48% – 22.14% - Total Employment Cost
Employee Employee Payroll Contributions
9.76% - Retirement Pension (applied on salary up to 234,720.00 PLN)
1.50% - Disability Fund (applied on salary up to 234,720.00 PLN)
2.45% - Sickness Fund
9.00% - Health Insurance
22.71% - Total Employee Cost
Employee Income Tax
0% - 0-30,000 PLN annually
12.00% - 30,001 -120,000 PLN annually
32.00% - Over 120,000 PLN annually
Payroll Cycle
Salaries are paid on a monthly basis and employees must receive their salary no later than the 10th of the following month.
13th Salary
There is no legal requirement for 13th-month payments.
Authority Payments
Authority Payment Paid To Due Date Method
Urząd Skarbowy (Tax Office) - PIT-4 - 20th day of each month - Wire transfer
Social Insurance Institution - ZUS - 15th day of each month - Wire transfer
National Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Fund - PFRON - 20th day of each month - Wire transfer
The standard rate of VAT in Poland is 23%.
The minimum wage is PLN 4,242 per month, the minimum wage is set to increase in July 2024 to PLN 4,300 monthly.
Common Benefits
Health Allowance: Between 50-200 EUR per month
Car Allowance: Between 100-500 EUR per month
Work From Home allowance: 50-100 EUR per month
Home Office setup: 1,000 EUR per annum
Phone Allowance: 20-100 EUR per month
All employees are entitled to paid sick leave linked to the number of years completed service and the employee’s age, as specified in the employment contract.
Employees under 50 years old are entitled to up to 33 days of paid sick leave, paid by the employer. Should the sick leave continue past day 33, Social Security (ZUS) will take on the payments from day 34 onwards.
Employees older than 50 years are entitled to up to 14 days of paid sick leave, paid by the employer. Should the sick leave continue past day 14, Social Security (ZUS) will take on the payments from day 15 onwards.
Sick leave is paid by the employer at a rate of 80.00% of the average salary in the past 12 months or at 100.00% if the illness occurs during pregnancy or is caused by an accident on the way to or from work. Sick leave caused by an accident at work or due to the employee’s sick child/sick relative is also paid for by Social Security (ZUS).
The length of paid annual leave in Poland depends on the employee’s seniority. The employee will acquire the right to 20 or 26 days of paid annual leave depending on their working experience:
Employees who have worked fewer than 10 years are entitled to 20 days of annual leave
Employees who have worked 10 years or more are entitled to 26 days of annual leave
In addition, the calculation of an employee’s seniority includes not only years of employment but also secondary and higher education.
Unused annual leave days can be transferred to the following year, but must be taken by September 30th of the following year.
Workers with children under the age of 14 are entitled to two additional days of leave at the rate of 80%. These days can only be taken by one parent within the same year and if unused these days do not carry over into the next year.
Some occupations, such as teachers or those working in the academic industry may be entitled to a longer length of paid leave, which can extend to 36 days a year.
When a public holiday falls on a Saturday, another day off must be given to the worker in lieu.
Date Day Holiday Notes
1 Jan 2024 - Monday - New Year’s Day
6 Jan 2024 - Saturday - Epiphany
1 Apr 2024 - Monday - Easter Monday
1 May 2024 - Wednesday - Labour Day
3 May 2024 - Friday - Constitution Day
30 May 2024 - Thursday - Corpus Christi
15 Aug 2024 - Thursday - Assumption Day
1 Nov 2024 - Friday - All Saints’ Day
11 Nov 2024 - Monday - Independence Day
25 Dec 2024 - Wednesday - Christmas Day
26 Dec 2024 - Thursday - 2nd Day of Christmas
The termination process varies according to the employment agreement and collective agreement in place and is based on the type of contract and reason for termination.
Notice Period
In Poland, the notice period for a temporary or permanent employee is dependent on the employee’s length of service as below:
0 – 6 months of service – 2 weeks’ notice
6 months – 3 years of service – 1 month’s notice
More than 3 years of service – 3 months’ notice
Severance Pay
For employers with more than 20 employees or for employees who have been dismissed by fault of the employer, the severance pay is dependent on the employee’s length of service as below:
1 month severance pay – less than two years of employment
Two months’ severance pay – between two and eight years of employment
Three months’ severance pay – over eight years of employment
The maximum amount of severance pay, is set at 15 times the minimum wage.
Probation Period
Probation or trial periods are generally set within the employee’s employment contract, however, standard practice in Poland is three months.
If you are a non-EU resident who wishes to work in Poland, you must first obtain a work permit. The work permit is only applicable to the job at the time of application. A new application will need to be sought should the employee change jobs. A work permit is only valid for three years.
Poland has five different types of work visas:
Type A – If you find employment based on an employment contract or civil law contract with an employer with an office registered in Poland. This is the most popular work permit.
Type B – This work permit is valid if you are a board member and residing in Poland for a total period that exceeds six months within 12 subsequent months.
Type C –You can apply for this work permit if you are sent to Poland by a foreign employer for more than 30 days in a calendar year to work for the foreign employer’s subsidiary or branch office in the country.
Type D – You are eligible for this visa if a foreign employer sends you to work in export services temporarily. The foreign employer must not have a branch or subsidiary of its own in Poland.
Type E – You can apply for this visa if you take up work-related tasks that do not fall into any of the above four categories.
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