22 Aug 2024

Scaling Local Experiences to Globally Distributed Talent

By Priyanka Mitra, Vice President, Everest Group

As the global workforce continues to embrace hybrid and remote work models, organizations must navigate the complexities of supporting a distributed talent pool while maintaining a consistent and engaging employee experience. This blog explores strategies and technologies that can help companies deliver localized HR services, ensuring compliance and cultural relevance, to maximize productivity and employee satisfaction across diverse geographies. Rick Hammell, Founder and CEO of Helios also adds his views, as he launches an all-in-one global payments and HR management platform designed for globally distributed organizations of today.

A global and distributed workforce is here to stay

COVID-led disruption compelled organizations to adopt a hybrid working model to ensure survival and business continuity. While the pandemic has receded, hybrid and distributed ways of working are here to stay. This has created numerous opportunities for organizations of all sizes to spread their wings, smash geographical barriers and tap into a global talent pool. Many companies are now open to hiring employees from foreign countries, not only to fuel growth but also to fill the skill void if the talent is unavailable locally.

Long-term distributed work models are certainly promising, but they also present their own challenges when it comes to supporting core HR and payroll functions and delivering a consistent employee experience. Not only will talent management practices such as recruiting, onboarding, and learning need to evolve, but the stakeholder experience around this will also need to be designed using a strategic blend of inclusive practices and localized best practices and cultures. Harnessing the right tools and technologies will be crucial in streamlining workforce management processes, improving communication, and nurturing a positive and engaging global workforce.

Using technology to bring local experience to global workforces

As the workforce fabric evolves, it is imperative that workforce management platforms evolve to meet talent where they are – no matter how spread apart employees are. Organizations, in a bid to centralize HR and payroll workflows for efficiency, often overlook the importance of contextualizing experiences for different locations. This impacts the quality of engagement at an individual level and, correspondingly, the productivity and output for both HR and the employees. Providing a talent experience tailored to a particular location will enable organizations to capitalize on the strength of a distributed work model by improving stakeholder experience, directly impacting business process efficiency and productivity.

On the importance of technology in enabling global workforce management, Rick Hammell, Founder and CEO of Helios said, “For decades, many companies have been forced to use multiple platforms and systems to accomplish all the responsibilities an HR team is tasked with, causing limited flexibility and productivity, compliance errors, a step back in automation and an increase in overhead costs. With an all-in-one workforce management platform like Helios, multinational companies can now centralize all HR and payroll functions in one platform, enabling global growth and increased team performance and operational efficiency.”

Workforce management technology is a vital enabler for providing localized experiences to global workforces while easing administrative efforts when expanding into new geographies. However, traditional platforms will need to evolve to make way for new-age systems designed for distributed workforces. The workforce management technology chosen should improve business outcomes and impact productivity to provide an elevated experience for both HR and employees across different locations.

Rick agrees, adding, “When building Helios, we wanted to ensure that the platform had all the necessary tools and capabilities to cater to the ever-evolving global workforce. We have simplified global people operations including onboarding and offboarding talent, ensuring timely and compliant payments to employees and contractors, validating right to work verification, conducting benefits enrollment management, monitoring time and attendance with an analytics dashboard for proactive reporting and so much more. With powerful AI built into the foundation of the platform, Helios will serve 125+ countries in 50 languages but still feel local and contextualized no matter where a company operates.”

Organizations should consider the following factors when evaluating workforce management providers for a superior stakeholder experience and to localize employee experiences for a globally distributed workforce.

  • Simplifying local compliance management – Compliance-related issues might burn a hole in the organization’s pocket. While catering to the distributed workforce, the technology and tools chosen should help adhere to compliance-related norms by providing information about the latest local tax, labor, and regulatory requirements and intelligence on upcoming changes. They should not only help manage the compliance documents but also generate ad-hoc reports for the compliance-related needs of the organization. This can reduce the burden on HR and lower the barrier to entry for organizations to enter new locations and be more agile in their operations

  • Enabling global pay – Today, with boundaryless talent, payment should be fluid and on-demand. Organizations on the globalization path should ensure they choose systems that simplify global payroll, such as supporting employees across multiple locations and dealing with currency and tax-related complexities associated with servicing different regions. It should be easy to integrate with other financial systems to allow for seamless pay operations. With easy integration and centralization, such platforms can also allow for extracting data-backed insights for different locations along with using the information to provide a personalized self-service experience for the employees

  • Localizing benefits experience – Talent across different regions have diverse needs influenced by cultural, economic, and legal factors. Preferences for work-life balance, healthcare, and retirement plans can also vary widely. The delivery of benefits needs to be personalized based on cultural preferences, and statutory benefits need to be aligned with the compliance-related norms of a particular region. Ignoring these differences can lead to disengagement and high turnover. Choosing the right workforce management platform can help organizations customize benefits to align with local norms and preferences, tailoring healthcare, retirement plans, and other perks to regional standards. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for delivering even more personalized benefits grows. Platforms embedded with AI and machine learning can analyze employee data to predict needs and preferences, allowing organizations to proactively offer tailored support and resources

  • Fostering collaboration and belongingness - In the rapidly evolving workforce landscape, fostering engagement and belonging is more crucial than ever. HR and workforce management platforms play a pivotal role by enabling two-way dialogue rather than just one-way HR service delivery. Modern solutions should allow employees to collaborate and ideate in real time, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

Rick adds, “Within the Helios platform, we wanted to build a tool that drove collaboration and peer interaction. Our Communities hub, offered as an integral all-inclusive part of the Helios platform, is an organizational portal engineered to enhance employee engagement and streamline internal communications between employees, their digital workspace, and the organization. By fostering a sense of inclusion and appreciation, regardless of employment status, Helios' Communities ensures all individuals feel valued, heard and embraced within the platform.”

  • Enabling data-driven decision making – Modern organizations should make data-driven decisions to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and strategic planning. By leveraging the right platforms, especially for dispersed teams, companies can gather and analyze real-time data on employee performance, engagement, and satisfaction. This approach allows for informed decisions that optimize workforce management, identify trends, and address issues promptly. Relying on holistic data centralized in a platform ensures that even remote and geographically dispersed teams are integrated into the decision-making process, fostering a cohesive and well-informed organizational culture

As organizations continue to navigate the complexities of a globally distributed workforce, the importance of scaling local experiences cannot be overstated. By embracing workforce management technologies built for the modern distributed workforce, organizations can create an environment where all employees, regardless of location, feel valued, supported, and engaged beyond just improving HR and payroll administrative efficiency. The future of work is global, and those who invest in the right tools and strategies will be well-positioned to thrive in this dynamic landscape.

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